Scenery of Nuremberg International Airport [EDDN] in Bavaria, Germany. Compatible with Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D v4 and Prepar3D v5.
Note:This product is only compatible with Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D v4 or v5 and requires SODE! Get SODE here
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Description:This add-on brings Bavaria's second largest international airport in an incomparably authentic and lively atmosphere to Prepar3D V4 and V5. Over a development period of around 2.5 years, the two designers Volker Wegner and Lars Pinkenburg have rebuilt all the buildings and facilities of the real airport on the basis of more than 1,000 photos taken on site with great attention to detail for the simulator. The airport environment was also modeled with great attention to detail and covers a total area of around 55 km², with numerous characteristic buildings, traffic routes and terrain features, so that the depiction is extremely close to reality even during the approach and departure phases. A special highlight of the scenery are the innumerable and newly developed vehicle and person animations, which contribute significantly to the realistic atmosphere at the airport. A lot of work was also put into the lifelike depiction of the taxiway and apron surfaces. The scenery addon has been implemented using state-of-the-art - prepar3d native - design techniques which, despite the high model and texture complexity, enable a smooth framerate on current simulator PC hardware. Features:
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Winner of the FSElite Community Choice Award 2018 |
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29Palms and Captain7 did a fantastic job on this scenery. They managed to take an airport and put the user in the middle of a living, breathing ecosystem. If you pick up Nuremberg, this small airport will have a top spot in your route planning and I guarantee it’s a good pick for any simmer.
Data sheet
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First of all a big thank you for this Scenery.
It's one of the best i've ever seen. All my trips on P3D starts actually in Nürnberg or the destination is Nürnberg i love it and the 25€ were it worth!
Its my home Airport and i look a long time for a addon for it, now i found it and its Amazing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Does ist also works with x plane 11 ??
I think this is an incredibly underappreciated airport. Though is services mostly regional aircraft, I will go on a limb and say it is one of the most detailed payware airports on the market. If you have the benefit of a program like Chaseplane, get out of the cockpit and explore the area. You will be amazed by the staggering detail that went into the visuals at this airport. I think I almost lost it when I saw cars driving around the rooftop level of the parking garage looking for parking. When you observe the Nuremberg sign from the outside of the airport you feel like you are a part of a living breathing world. This will be reinforced when you observe shuttle busses pulling into a parking space to pick up and drop off passengers. Though they don’t actual show passengers getting off the shuttle, you feel something like that could be coming in the future. (Hint! Hint!) That being said, this is an absolutely visually stunning airport. I am sure it won’t disappoint.
Source: https://secure.simmarket.com/29palms_captain-7-eddn-nuremberg-p3d4.phtml#reviews
Thanks a lot for this beautiful scenery.
One of my favorite airports today.
David Roch
It's unbelievable how good this scenery is. It's simply amazing how many details, animations and objects have been created by Captain7 / 29Palms to build so perfect scenery with so nice surrounding area. And all of these things to me give such joy and excitement. Do you need anythig more!? Maybe very good night lighting, airport objects, moving cars around the airport and on the apron? You will really get them here! But the best thing is that even with animated people my fps are on a such good level which I've never expected. After Magdeburg, which was created by Captain7 some time ago, this is his next piece of art that can be compared with Corfu by FlyTampa.
Die Umsetzung von Nürnberg durch Captain 7 und 29Palms ist grandios! Die vielen kleinen Details die man auf dem Vorfeld entdecken kann sind beeindruckend. Ohne mich zu weit aus dem Fenster zu lehnen, ist dieser Airport vom "Look & Feel" einer der Besten, die ich für P3D V4 besitze und das sind einige ;-). Die Qualität der Texturen ist beeindruckend. Besonders Nachts spielt der Airport mit stimmigem Dynamic Lightning alle Trumpfe aus! Zudem passt er, mit optionalen Texturen, perfekt in das Gesamtbild mit Germany South von Orbx.
Ich würde soweit gehen und sagen: Dieser Airport ist ein "Must-Have" für P3D V4! Der Preis ist mehr als angemessen.
Source: https://secure.simmarket.com/29palms_captain-7-eddn-nuernberg-p3d4.phtml#reviews
Bei aller Schönheit der Scenery finde ich trotzdem, dass auf beidem Bahnen das ILS funktionieren muß. es ist ja schliesslich ein Flugsimulator, für den es gemacht ist. Trotzdem Danke
Ich würde am liebsten 10 Sterne geben. Diese Szenerie ist eine der besten wenn nicht sogar die beste die ich bisher gesehen habe. Anfangs hatte ich ein Problem mit den Schatten und den sich bewegenden Menschen. Das wurde aber sehr schnell behoben da ich den Support anschrieb und man mir sofort half, es lag aber nicht am Airport sondern an meinem P3d. Ich wurde in meiner Meinung über 29Palms bestätigt. Weiter so!
Ich finde nicht einen Kritikpunkt den ich aufzählen könnte.
+ Texturen
+ Atmosphäre
+ Liebe zum Detail
+ Performance
+++ Support
Keine Kontras!
Wahnsinnig gut gelungen der Airport. Home Sweet Home selbst die 3D Passagiere im Terminal hinter dem Glas sehr sehr gut gelungen bei Top FPS Werten ! LM hat seit Version P3D v4.2+ echt seine Hausaufgaben gemacht sowie auch 29Palms + Captain7 mit EDDN ! SPITZE ! NOTE 1+ für Version 1.0 bei super Preformance selbst bei meinen alten 3770k und klappriger 1060 6GB und 16GB RAM super stabile 20+ FPS im Anflug. Bin begeistert
Source: https://www.simflight.de/2018/07/16/nuernberg-erscheint-am-16-07/#comment-46305
I'm deeply impressed by the accuracy and neat details you guys brought into this scenery.
This one should be a must-have - not only for local enthusiasts.
Definately ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
EDDN Nuremberg : My Home Airport
I was waiting for around 2 Years and now it's finally out.
It's a very detailed airport area with nice colours and static aircraft with fitting liveries.
But there are some little details missing ,too. For example :
The Lead in Lights of Runway 28 are there but around them is the fence missing as well as the visitors mountain next to runway 10 is only flat terrain. At the end of RWY28 there is a mountain which has been modelled.
The terminal building is just amazing very detailed you can see people moving inside the Terminal and of couse a lot of funiture.
I have very good framerates nearly no lost.
Just for 29 Palms : At the moment there is a construction site nearby the airport area just before runway 28 and they are building something there ,so you can maybe consequently add the new thing there in an update and the missing things i reported here too.
All in All its a very well done scenery and it looks 10 times better then the Scenery from the German Airport Team (Aerosoft) would look.
Here's a video from my first flight around the scenery: https://youtu.be/CnqWmw4c7xM